About Me

Welcome to Harmon’s Creations! My name is Alexander Harmon, and I’m the founder and lead developer of this web design and development company. I’ve been programming since 2014, starting with business applications during my college years. However, my passion for programming really took off when I attended Guilford Technical Community College where I learned how to create websites and games using JavaScript and HTML Canvas.

During my time with game development, I also learned a lot about art principles for game art, which eventually carried over to my web design work. I discovered a passion for creating beautiful and functional websites that not only look great, but also work seamlessly and efficiently.

After finishing game development school, I continued my education at Cerro Coso Community College in California, where I majored in Web Professional with a focus on Development, Information Technology, and Cyber Security Technology. I worked hard during my time there and ultimately graduated in 2022 with a 4.0 GPA. My academic achievements earned me both the honors graduate distinction and the President’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award.

With my education and experience in web development and design, I started Harmon’s Creations, a freelancing business that has helped numerous clients with their website needs. I’ve worked with clients to create brand new websites, redesign existing ones, fix website issues, and provide website maintenance. My goal is to help businesses of all sizes establish a strong online presence with well-designed, functional, and secure websites.

At Harmon’s Creations, I pride ourselves on our attention to detail, communication, and customer satisfaction. I work closely with my clients to understand their specific needs and tailor my services accordingly. Whether you’re a small business owner, blogger, or e-commerce store owner, I’m here to help you achieve your online goals. Get in touch with me today to see how I can help bring your website vision to life.