Web Optimization

There is nothing more frustrating than a website that takes forever to load. I can help you improve your website’s speed and responsiveness by analyzing your current performance, identifying and implementing the best performance optimization strategies. I am committed to providing you with the best possible results.

  • Analyze your website’s current performance
  • Identify and implement the best performance optimization strategies for your website
  • Reduce the size of your website’s images and files
  • Minify and combine your website’s JavaScript and CSS files
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your website’s content from servers that are closest to your visitors

Why Choose Me For Web Optimization?


With years of experience in web design and software development, I have the technical know-how to your website to be fast and responsive on all devices.


I focus on optimizing the code and other elements to achieve a smooth and fast experience.

Image Optimization

Images are one of the biggest reasons for a website to be slow. I will optimize and format the images into the new format developed by Google.

My Web Optimization Services Include

Website optimization analysis & recommendation

This will give you a thorough report on the current speed of your website, what needs to be fixed and recommendations on what things should have a priority to be fixed.


If you choose the Effective Caching sub-service, I will use a variety of techniques to improve the caching performance of your website. These techniques include:

  • Identifying the most frequently accessed resources: The first step is to identify the most frequently accessed resources on your website. This can be done by analyzing your website’s traffic logs.
  • Caching frequently accessed resources: Once you have identified the most frequently accessed resources, you can cache them. This means that the resources will be stored in memory, so they can be accessed more quickly.
  • Using a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers that deliver your website’s content from servers that are closest to your visitors. This can help to improve the performance of your website and reduce the load time of your cached resources.
  • Setting appropriate cache expiration times: You need to set appropriate cache expiration times for your cached resources. This means that you need to decide how long the resources should be cached before they expire and need to be refreshed.

I will also monitor the performance of your website’s caching and make recommendations for improvement.

Once I have completed the Effective Caching sub-service, your website will be more likely to load quickly and efficiently for your visitors.

Add and setup a CDN

Have users from across the country or the world? It won’t matter how much we optimize the website if the user is thousands of miles away from the server. Therefor, I will add and setup a content delivery network (CDN) so that users will be able to access the same website and files from accoss the world without having to go directly to your server.

Decrease image & file size

I will use a variety of techniques to reduce the size of your images and files without sacrificing quality. These techniques include:

  • Lossless compression: This type of compression reduces the size of your images and files without losing any data. This is the best option if you need to preserve the original quality of your images and files.
  • Lossy compression: This type of compression reduces the size of your images and files by removing some of the data. This can result in a slight loss of quality, but it can also result in a significant reduction in file size. This is the best option if you need to reduce the size of your images and files without sacrificing too much quality.
  • Resizing: Resizing your images to a smaller size can also help to reduce their file size. This is a good option if you need to reduce the size of your images without sacrificing any quality.
  • Converting to a different format: Some image formats are more efficient than others. For example, PNG is a more efficient format than JPEG. If you are not concerned about the quality of your images, you can convert them to a more efficient format to reduce their file size.

Once I have completed the Decrease Image & File Size sub-service, I will then upload the images and files to your website for you.

Minify and combine JavaScript and CSS

I will minify and combine JavaScript and CSS files to further increase the speed at which the website loads for the user.

Contact Me To Make Your Website the Fastest It Has Ever Been

Ready to make your site blazing fast? Fill out the contact form and tell me about your website and plugins that you use. The more details the better, as it will let me give you a more accurate quote.